Friday, April 25, 2008

One Ear Look Making a Comeback?

Absinthe makes its return to Milwaukee. Can a rise in emergency room visits be far off? From JS Online:

Scott Williams thinks absinthe fits in perfectly with the French atmosphere of Lake Park Bistro, where he is the general manager - and, for this night anyway, chief merrymaker.

For 95 years, the licorice-tasting liquor has been in exile. So Williams is more than happy to introduce the drink to his Milwaukee clientele.

He stands behind an elegant absinthe fountain, a clear vessel filled with ice and water and surrounded by four spigots.

To serve absinthe, he pours two ounces of the liquor into a glass and positions it under a spigot. He places a slotted spoon on top of the glass and a sugar cube on top of the spoon, then he opens the spigot. Cold water eases over the sugar cube and into the glass, dissolving the cube and sweetening the licorice-tasting liquor and revealing the herb-based alcohol's pale green color.

I see turtles.

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